“Women’s Lives, Women’s Voices: Agency in the Lives of Mormon Women” Conference

Please join us for Claudia Bushman’s CGU women’s conference on Febrary 5 from 10am to  4pm. Aileen Clyde, former 2nd Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, and her granddaughter Emily Clyde Curtis, co-https://exponentii.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/IMG_5173-scaled-2.jpg of the Exponent II magazine (and blogger at The Exponent) will be our keynote speakers.

Other speakers include feminist Mormon theologians who will speak about agency and subjectivity in women’s lives as well scholars who will examine themes and insights found in CGU’s Mormon Women Oral History Project.

Conference is free and open to the public and if you register by January 23, a free catered lunch will be provided for you.

Please click here for registration and conference details

"Women's Lives, Women's Voices: Agency in the Lives of Mormon Women" Conference