Varieties of Mormon Feminism: Boston-area Lecture This Thursday!

If you’re anywhere near Boston this Thursday night, please join us at Brandeis University for an event sponsored by the Hadassah/Brandeis Institute. Janet Bennion, an anthropologist who studies Mormon polygamy (and the author of the book Polygamy in Primetime) is joined by our own Laurel Ulrich for a conversation on what Mormon feminism looks like.

Wouldn’t it be great to have some real Mormon feminists in the audience as visual aids? Thursday night, 7:00. Park in the Epstein lot and find us in the Epstein building. If you’re on public transit, take the Fitchburg train line to the Brandeis stop, which is right next to the Epstein building. Or shoot us a heads-up in the comments and we’ll see if we can arrange some carpools.

Varieties of Mormon Feminism: Boston-area Lecture This Thursday!