Tweet Tweet!!

by G

Jana wrote about this last year when we joined the ranks of twitterers, but I just have to make a second plug for our twitter feed.  Because we are awesome. 🙂  Aside from tweeting our Exponent posts, we love all sorts of other tidbits and goodies:  Various stuff we glean from around the bloggernacleNews items. Artists and writers and filmmakers, occasional tweet-able quotes, articles of interest about women and family, the environment, minority rights, (the super bowl), spirituality, religion, etc…

Yeah, this is sort of a shameless plug for followers and mentions and Re-tweets.

And also, a request, if you see something you think we should tweet, by all means, twitter at us!  We’d love to check it out.

So, pls… RT  🙂

The Exponent on Twitter
tweet tweet!