THARCE-Gulu: Helping Former Child Soldiers

THARCE-Gulu: Helping Former Child Soldiers**update: donate to THARCE-Gulu and be entered in FMH’s “awesomest raffle ever

One of Exponent II’s founding mothers, Judy Dushku, has been working with former child soldiers in Uganda and records these women’s* heartbreaking and triumphant stories in the our Winter 2010 issue (pgs. 12-16).  You can also read more about Judy and her NGO, THARCE-Gulu at FMH here.

Right now, Judy’s daughter, Eliza Dushku is raising $30,000 to buy land to build a “comprehensive recovery center for former child soldiers in Gulu, Uganda” as a 30/30/30 campaign because her 30th birthday is on December 30th and she’s working to raise $30,000.  An inspiring birthday wish! 

I love it when I know the people who are involved in the charities I donate to–even if I just know them by reputation because I feel confident that my money will be used efficiently and productively.  Because I know Judy (and FMHers, ECS and Reese Dixon)  is involved in THARCE-Gulu, I have the utmost confidence that the my donation, meager as it is, will be used for good.

Click here to donate.  It’s so easy; you can do it through PayPal or your credit card.  And, is there a more appropriate gift for the holiday season than to help these survivors rebuild their lives?

*Did you know that girls are also kidnapped to be child soldiers?  I didn’t until I read about it from Judy.