Take a Look at Exponent II

From time to time, the Exponent blog encourages readers to subscribe to Exponent II. So what does exponent-fall-2016-layout-draft-coverthe magazine have to offer that’s worth the cost of subscription? We have put together 24 pages of content from the last several issues so that you can get a sense of what Exponent II does.

Take a look at Exponent II!

This is a pdf sample of several issues. A single issue is typically 40 pages and includes 4-5 personal essays, poetry, and 3-4 of our features–Global Zion, Sabbath Pastorals, Exponent Generations, Flannel Board, Women’s Theology, and more. We are extremely proud of the art–all by Mormon women–that accompanies the essays and we use a high-quality print that highlights the beauty of the artwork. The articles are carefully gathered and arranged to create a narrative from beginning to end. This results in a dialogue within every issue as articles speak to one another and spark new ideas and meanings.

All of this is why, in an era of abundant digital content, we believe that our readers will continue to support us through paper subscriptions. When I go to Mormon gatherings with a stack of magazines, people who pick up and flip through one of these issues almost always buy a subscription. They see the excellence of what we do and recognize that Exponent II offers a forum for Mormon women that is unlike anywhere else. When these pages are in your hands, it’s hard to not want more.

Subscribe for yourself. Get a subscription for a friend. It will be a gift that gives to you again and again.

Subscribe here.