Need help with your 2022 Old Testament or Young Women #LDS lesson plans? We have your back. #ComeFollowMe

Exponent bloggers and guests have started posting Old Testament and Pearl of Great Price lesson plans for 2022 Sunday School and/or Individuals and Families here:

Our 2022 Young Women lesson plans are available here:

Keep checking back at the Exponent for these collections to grow throughout the year!

Need help with your 2022 Old Testament or Young Women #LDS lesson plans? We have your back. #ComeFollowMe
Deborah, Judge in Israel

If you can’t find what you need in one of these collections, check out our complete lesson plan archive:

We are always looking for guests willing to share their lesson plans. Help a sister out!

You can upload your lesson plans here at our guest submission form:

And here are our guidelines for lesson posts: