Join Us for the Fall 2022 Magazine Launch Party

Four times per year, the Exponent II magazine hosts a virtual launch party—a highlight you don’t want to miss. We are thrilled to announce that on October 13 at 6 pm MTN / 8 pm EST we will be treated to a presentation by the contributors of the fall issue on friendship.

Register here to attend the launch party.

What is a launch party?

A launch party, common in publishing, is a formal celebration of a forthcoming book or magazine issue—a place where contributors share parts of their work for an audience to honor the hard work they have done. A launch party is like the movie trailer for the issue and a way to build community among contributors and listeners.

What is the agenda?

  • Introduction – the host/moderator welcomes everyone to the group and acknowledges the writers and artists on the call
  • Cover reveal – the first glimpse
  • Letter from Editor – the first glimpse
  • Presentations – each contributor, depending on the number participating, will receive up to 4 minutes to present. Writers will read a portion of their work and artists will share an image to discuss
  • Q&A – With host acting as moderator
  • Conclusion – Thank everyone for coming and those who have worked on this issue, share next steps

Register to attend at

We look forward to seeing you there!