Exponent II is Back!

Exponent II is Back!Today, Exponent II has two big announcements!  We are unveiling our exciting new webdesign, lovingly created by our Exponent sister of many hats, Jana.  And, we’re thrilled to publish our first issue since Winter 2009.

Our latest issue is available for free at our new website and contains articles from Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, an excerpt from an 1881 issue of The Woman’s Exponent, and a tribute to our friend, Linda Sillitoe.  Also, read personal essays on finding spiritual strength through other religious traditions, being inactive and still loving the Church, and how to educate others about sexual abuse.

Exponent II was first published in 1974 and has been a voice for Mormon women for over 30 years.  The new ExponentII.org allows you to access the latest online copy for free (information on how to order your very own hard copy will be forthcoming), and has informative links on: our history, our annual retreat in New England, The Exponent Blog, request for submissions, and prior issues of the paper.

We welcome submissions to Exponent II on all topics relating to the diverse experiences of Mormon women.  To submit your work, please send us an email at exponentii https://exponentii.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/IMG_5173-scaled-2.jpg at gmail dot com. 

Reminder: Today is the last day for submissions that will be read by our Readers’ Committee over the summer.  The next round of submissions are due September 13th.

**Exponent II’s Summer 2010 Issue’s cover art by Tessa Lindsey