Exponent II Call for Submissions: Deadline Extended


Exponent II Call for Submissions: Deadline Extended

The deadline for the Fall issue has been extended to September 15th.

Worried that your piece isn’t polished enough?  The Exponent II https://exponentii.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/IMG_5173-scaled-2.jpgial staff are excellent at helping people get their work ready (and they’re really nice about it, too!).

Are you looking to be a part of a wonderful literary tradition? Exponent II has been recording Mormon women’s experience since 1975 and we would like to expand our base of contributors. We welcome personal essays, artwork, poetry and fiction on any theme related to the experience of Mormon women, both inside and outside the church. We are particularly interested in finding writers interested in exploring the following topics:

“Where Have all the Mormon Feminists Gone”–Essays on your own
experience with the “F” word and whether or not Mormon Feminism still exists. Does Feminism play a role in your Mormon experience today?

“Why I Stay” and “Why I Left”–Essays between friends and family
members on their relationship to the LDS church and each other.

“I Am Orthodoxy”–Which unconvential life choices have resulted from following your Mormon faith? How has your faith driven/provoked decisions to follow a particular career path, raise children or not, marry or remain unmarried, support a political cause, etc?

Email submissions for our Fall 2008 issue should be mailed by September 15, 2008 to https://exponentii.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/[email protected].

For more information please visit www.exponentii.wpenginepowered.com