“Celebrating the Everyday” – Fall 2023 Call for Submissions

Jesus taught, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Meanwhile, Alma tells us that “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.” What do perplexing expressions like these mean to you?

Though what we photograph to hang on walls or tend to remember with sharpness comes from the “big” moments, most of our lives are filled with the day-to-day. For this issue, we celebrate the quotidian, sing odes to the everyday, and honor the seemingly small moments of existence. When have you embraced idleness or broken free of a productive-at-all-costs mentality? What routines bring you peace? Tell us about your journey with mindfulness, presence, witnessing, specific objects, perplexing details, tedious tasks, ongoing annoyances, etc. — surprise us! Ensnare those fleeting impressions and passing seconds, in your own life and through closely studying the world and others around you. What have you learned through this deep level of observation?

We look forward to learning from you. To submit work for this Fall 2023 issue, please follow the guidelines on exponentii.wpenginepowered.com/submissions by July 15, 2023.

(Photo by Andrea Riondino on Unsplash)