Guest Post Book Review: Illuminating Ladies

The Exponent blog is happy to share this guest review of our own colouring book, Illuminating Ladies by Carolina Allen.


Carolina Allen is the founder and CEO of the nonprofit organization and movement, Big Ocean Women. She is passionate about global women’s issues as they intersect with faith, family and motherhood. She is grateful to be linked for eternity to her husband Kawika and their 6 children whom they have the honor of homeschooling together. 


Guest Post Book Review: Illuminating LadiesAs my daughters and I have colored the beautifully rendered art pages together, this thoughtful book has sparked open discussions in our family about faith and testimony anchored in Jesus Christ, even amidst difficult challenges and hardships.
Our favorite pages have been about the pioneering women from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds and the unique challenges they have faced and continue to face. In it’s simple format and easy to understand language, the women featured in this book have inspired conversations about how we too can remain committed and faithful throughout our present day challenges.
One of the most special features in this book are the pages found towards the end that encourage the readers to explore and write their own stories. As a family, we are excited to add the stories of our pioneering foremothers and fathers from the Polynesian islands and South America, and how we too can carry their torch of steadfast discipleship into the future!
Copies of the colouring book are still available from the Exponent II store.  Do you already have the book and are hungry for more? Check out  Exponent books, or go ahead and subscribe to the Exponent magazine. You will be spiritually fed!
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