Announcement: Summer 2011 Submissions Request

Announcement: Summer 2011 Submissions Request

Our special Mother’s Day issue will be out at the end of March (get a subscription or a copy of this issue for someone who has mothered you!) with extra pages of Exponent goodness.  That means it’s time to start looking towards our Summer 2011 issue.

Our are always looking for personal essays by or about Mormon women for future issues of our magazine. Below are some of the features that we’re particularly interested in filling.

Submissions for the Summer 2011 issue are due April 15th at AT exponentii DOT org.

Looking to be inspired? Check out past issues of Exponent II.

Awakenings seeks to capture moments in women’s lives when they discover a new part of themselves or the world around them, whether it be social, religious, feminist, or personal. In the words of the author Sue Monk Kidd, “they wake up, then wake up some more.” Do you have an awakening to share? Email awakenings AT exponentii DOT org

Women’s Theology showcases women and men engaging in biblical exegesis, interfaith doctrinal comparisons, and examples of our own doctrine as they attempt to lay a foundation for Mormon feminist theology. Email theology AT exponentii DOT org with your theological pieces.

Global Zion adds a much-needed international component to Exponent II. We seek narratives about women’ s experiences traveling, working, or growing up in the Church outside the United States. Send your experiences to exponentii AT exponentii DOT org.

Poetry has always been an integral part of sharing women’s experiences in Exponent II. Email poetry AT exponentii DOT org with your poems.

Read any good books lately? The Book Review Committee is seeking book reviews or suggestions for Exponent II’s upcoming issues. We hope to include a variety of titles, topics, and reviewers that would be of interest to Mormon women. Email bookreviews AT exponentii DOT org for more information.

Reconciliations presents a space for dialogue between people to share their experience and emotions as they have navigated their way in and out of Mormonism. There are not enough examples of productive conversations between people who have chosen to stay in the Church with those who have chosen to leave. Exponent’s founding principle that “this exchange allows us to better understand each other and shape the direction of our lives” will be better fulfilled by such conversations taking place in print. Email us with your story at reconciliations AT exponentii DOT org.

Preferred formats for submission are Microsoft Word (.doc) or rich-text-format (.rtf) and can be emailed to AT exponentii DOT org.

Upon receipt of writing, authors will be notified via email about when they can expect to hear back from us once submissions have gone through our Readers Committee.

Print submissions may be mailed to Aimee Hickman, 2035 Park Ave, Baltimore, MD 21217

We’re looking forward to reading your work soon!
The Exponent II Board and Editorial Staff