Announcement: Modesty Letters

I found this announcement on Facebook and thought it was a fantastic idea. So I though I would share with the Exponent crowd, in case anyone wanted to get involved For updated information, join the Facebook group. There is currently discussion about sending it to the General Auxiliary leaders as well as the First Presidency and Twelve.

I am collecting letters to send to the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, delineating the problems that are caused by the church’s increasingly strict, detailed dress standards and by the way we typically hear the subject of modesty approached within the church. I would like everyone who has been affected by this issue to write a personal letter explaining exactly how it has damaged them and/or someone they love–whether that damage has come in the form of guilt, judgment, humiliation, poor body image, discomfort with sex, or anything else. Once I receive all the letters, I will divide them into 15 batches, store them in plastic sleeves, and place them in three-ring binders, accompanied by several articles about the problems with modesty teachings. I will then send one binder to the home address of each member of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

You are welcome to remain anonymous, if you prefer, or you can sign the letter with your real name. I think using real names would be more effective, but if that discourages you from sending a letter at all, please feel free to go ahead with an anonymous letter. The important thing is to get as many heartfelt letters as possible from both male and female church members. Please be specific, and use personal experiences if you can. Also, if you have any friends or relatives who might be interested in supporting this effort, please encourage them to send a letter as well.

Make sure that your letter is postmarked by September 1. Send all letters to:

Kimberly Brinkerhoff Baptista
418 South 6th Street
Wilmington, NC 28401-5208

Also, please join my event if you would like to participate in the campaign by writing a letter, so I can gauge the level of interest. And don’t hesitate to message me if you have any questions. Thank you.

Misguided Modesty Letter-Writing Campaign
September 1 at 418 South 6th Street, Wilmington, NC 28401-5208