2008 Exponent II Retreat: Call for Topics and Presentations

2008 Exponent II Retreat: Call for Topics and PresentationsYay, it’s time to start thinking about X2’s annual retreat! With a retreat chair like Stacey Petrey, it’s sure to be good one!

It is that time of year when we begin the planning for our 2008 Exponent II Retreat. Based on a survey of 2007 participant’s, we would like to hear from you around your topics of interest (and the presenters of interest) for our 2008 retreat – so let your voices be heard.

This is a call for suggestions but with accountability – included in your suggestion should be people who could present on the topic and a notation as to whether you know them personally. All final selections and invitations will be managed by the Board, but we are always interested in expanding our pool of talent! Let your voice be heard regarding:

The Keynote Speaker: Please submit names and topics of people you would like to hear from (please note if you know them personally). Send your suggestions to: [email protected])

Workshops: Below are topics that were suggested via the survey. Please note your interest in that topic, a presenter recommendation for the topic and note if you know them personally. We are also interested in hearing other suggestions as well, so please forward your thoughts and preferences to: [email protected]

– Images of Eve in the Book of Mormon;
– Early Mormon Women’s History;
– Uniting Women Around the World;
– Global Culture v. Mormon Culture – How Does That Work Locally;
– Personal Progress Though: Cooking, Arts and/or Education;

– The Temple Movie Recast with Minorities: Feasible or Fiction;
– Reversing Accepted Norms: How Would That Work In My Relief Society;
– Why My Marriage Works (and Works Well)
– What topics are you interested in presenting on?
– Other topics (which must include a suggested presenter)Thank you for your interest in Exponent II and for your efforts towards making 2008 an excellent retreat!