“At Last She Said It” – Winter 2025 Call for Magazine Contest Submissions

A Collaboration Issue

What would you say if you could “say the quiet thing aloud?” Inspired by the At Last She Said It podcast where Cynthia Winward and Susan M. Hinckley discuss the complicated parts of being women of faith, we want to hear what you would say if given the chance. Is there anything that has been sitting with you for a long time? A big topic that you have a personal experience with? Something that won’t quite let go of you? Make us laugh, cry, or question. Whether it is a lighthearted confessional, a satirical short story, a powerful art piece, a witty poem, a rigorous theological stance, or a poignant personal essay, we welcome it all. 

If it’s honest and real, complicated and nuanced—and most importantly, something you’ve experienced and can tell a specific story about—we want to see it. 

To submit your work to this magazine contest, please familiarize yourself with the At Last She Said It podcast as well as the Exponent II magazine. Then, follow the guidelines and writing tips at exponentii.org/submissions. Submit your work by October 15, 2024

The first-place poetry and prose winners will each receive $100. The first-place artist will receive a four-page feature in an upcoming issue. Cynthia and Susan—the hosts of At Last She Said It—will be the judges for this contest.

“At Last She Said It” – Winter 2025 Call for Magazine Contest Submissions