Words of Wisdom Quote Book- Now Available!

Words of Wisdom Quote Book- Now Available!

Those of us at LDS WAVE have been working hard on a quote book for LDS women. It started as a Call to Action, in which we requested “favorite quotes from men and women about gender equality, female and male roles, divine roles, Heavenly Parents, parenthood, etc. OR your favorite quotes by women on any gospel topic.”

Over the past months, creating this booklet has been a huge labor of love, particularly for Susan, and we’re thrilled to announce our booklet is finally finished (just in time for Mother’s Day). The booklet contains 153 quotes with a wide variety of subjects and authors. They are beautiful and inspiring.

You can print the booklet at home, it’s about 22 pages folded in half, have it done professionally, or read it online.

From the Introduction:

Throughout Relief Society’s history we have had remarkable women leading and teaching us. Recently, General Relief Society President Julie Beck encouraged us to learn more about our history and get to know the words of women who came before us. To this end, we started searching for the voices of women, about women, and for women. Unfortunately, it can be hard to find their voices in Church curriculum and manuals, which inspired us to compile quotes on a variety of gospel subjects. By making these quotes accessible in this booklet, we can better follow our leaders and learn from our history.

In this booklet, you will find quotes that speak to our hearts the good news of the gospel. They uplift and encourage us on our sometimes difficult paths. We hope you will find the Spirit here as we have. This quote book is intended for private use. It can also be used to prepare talks, lessons and Family Home Evenings or in personal study.

We’d like to thank Galen Dara Smith for her beautiful cover art, “Sisters.” We feel it embodies the love and sisterhood that we share in the Relief Society and that you will find in the pages of this booklet. We also thank the volunteers who responded to our Call to Action and contributed many of these quotes. Please continue to submit quotes for further editions to [email protected].


Susan Christiansen

Assistant Editors
Jenne d.N.E. Alderks          Emily Clyde Curtis
Tresa Edmunds                   Deborah Farmer Kris
Chelsea Shields Strayer    Jessica Steed

Feel free to check out the link which will give you options for printing and e-viewing. If you do print it out, or order online, please let us know what you think!

Here’s an example quote from the Jesus Christ and the Atonement section:

Perfect people don’t need a Savior. He came to save his people in their imperfections. He is the Lord of the living and the living make mistakes. He’s not embarrassed by us, angry at us, or shocked. He wants us in our brokenness, in our unhappiness, in our guilt and our grief.

Chieko N. Okazaki, Relief Society Presidency  “Lighten Up.” 1993, p. 174

I hope you enjoy the Words of Wisdom as much as I do! Consider printing several and giving them to women you visit teach, friends, mothers, sisters, etc. I hope that this booklet will be a common resource for LDS women.