
Relief Society Lesson 23: Shephards of the Flock

This is an abbreviated lesson — we’ve all been a little busy ’round here — but we welcome you to post more ideas in the comments. We get a lot of people visiting us for these lessons, so who knows but your insight will find its way into someone’s class discussion!

Lesson Summary:

  • There is safety in sustaining and following the prophet and other Church leaders.
  • The Lord directs His Church through divinely appointed leaders.
  • Prophets teach similar messages (common messages from Jesus onward)
  • Parents are to teach their children to sustain and follow Church leaders.
  • Those who follow the Church authorities find safety.

Possible Discussion Questions

  • What counsel have you received — via general conference or personal interaction — that has practically and positively affected your life?
  • What is the difference between a mantle and a person “wearing” the mantle (e.g. between the office of bishop and the person called to be a bishop)?
  • What do you do if you find yourself in disagreement with the counsel or actions of a leader?
  • What type of practical support can we provide our leaders — from Relief Society President to Prophet?
  • What does it mean to “sustain” church leaders? What are we agreeing to when we raise our right hand?
  • What challenges and opportunities does our model of lay leadership provide us, as ward members?

Speaking of supporting lay leadership . . . please read Maria’s posts for how to support a bishop’s family! Here and Here. These (the second one specifically) could lead to wonderful discussion . . . and could lead to tangential discussions on how to support the Relief Society President, and Primary President, and Elders Quorum President, and visiting teaching coordinator — our neighbors who are taking there turn being “shepherds of the flock.”

4 Responses

  1. We are learning about Lesson 24 this week…..Is this blog a week behind? Just wanting to get some good ideas for the lesson to come! Will that not be posted until next week?

  2. this site rocks, i am at BYU hawaii and teach priesthood and this site is a goldmine of ideas for discussion. Thanks

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