Vol. 42 No. 4 — Spring 2023

Articles in this issue

COVER ART — “Arrival” by Laura Erekson
I ran out to my garden several times during the creation of this work, gathering everything from Italian parsley to grapes. It explores the complexities of womanhood and female identity. The woman standing in a lush garden represents not only Eve, but all women past, present, and future. The central question is whether she is lost or found, or both. This work is both a tribute to the resilience and strength of women and an invitation to examine our own journeys and celebrate them. It is an ode to the long line of women who have come before us and an affirmation of the infinite possibilities that lay ahead.
@lauraereksonart | ereksonatkinson.com




Editor-in-Chief Rachel Rueckert 
Managing Editor Carol Ann Litster Young
Art Editor Page Turner 
Managing Art Editor Natalie Taylor 
Layout Designer & Editor Rosie Gochnour Serago 
Women’s Theology Editor Eliza Wells 
Poetry Editor Abby Parcell
Blog Feature Editor Katie Ludlow Rich
Book Reviews Editor Ynna Padilla
Subscription Manager Gwen Volmar 
Proofreaders Kami Coppins, Cherie Pedersen, Karen Rosenbaum 
Additional Staff Tracy Allen, Kif Augustine, Kate Bennion, Jessica Mitton, Alma Frances Pellett, Emma Tueller Stone



President Lori LeVar Pierce
Vice President & Secretary Lindsay Denton
Treasurer Jeanine Bean
Members Crystal Adams, Andee Bowden, Carol Ann Litster Young, Ramona Morris, Rachel Rueckert, Nancy Ross, Heather Sundahl



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Exponent II (ISSN 1094-7760) is published quarterly by Exponent II. Exponent II has no official connection with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Articles published represent the opinions of authors only and not necessarily those of the editor or staff. 

Copyright © 2023 by Exponent II, Inc. All rights reserved.