Guest Post: The Resolutionary — Moving Beyond Identities of Self and Other
by MargaretOH Everyone has multiple identities. For the most part identities are either peacefully nested (i.e. a Mid-Westener and an American) or separated (i.e. lawyer
by MargaretOH Everyone has multiple identities. For the most part identities are either peacefully nested (i.e. a Mid-Westener and an American) or separated (i.e. lawyer
by Tom P Will women be ordained to the priesthood? Although historically the Church has resisted change for a considerable period of time when pressured
I weep because gross darkness covers the whole earth. I weep because daughters bear the burden of the sins of their fathers. I weep because
by Laura (In her post from earlier today, Laura gave us the back story and aftermath of her Sacrament Meeting talk in which she spoke
Find the lesson here. I would start this lesson by listening some of the varied ways that President Joseph Fielding Smith served in the organization
Coming Up for Air I. My little sister may not win her battle with cancer. She says God asked her, Will you take a bullet
During the 2008 Prop 8 campaign in California, I was having a hard time with the Church. Never had I been so upset with my
500+ Mormon women and male allies joined together to unequivocally call for complete equality and the ordination of Mormon women by peacefully standing in the
Like Mraynes, I was eager to experience the first LDS Women’s meeting, and was curious to see how the wider audience would be addressed. I
I have looked forward to this historic women’s meeting for many months despite sharing the concerns of some that the audience may be too broad.
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.