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Blog Category: feminism


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Argument For…

In part two of our “Argument Against/For” day (first installment here), I wanted to share the Argument for women’s suffrage, prepared by H. G. Cattell,

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Argument Against…

In 1911, the state of California was in heated debate about granting suffrage for women. I recently came across one of the arguments against granting

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Eternal Gender?

I am starting a new semester this week and as a way to introduce my students to Physical Anthropology and each other on the first

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Girl Legos

It seems that the old debate on the virtue of gendering toys has sprung up again. My facebook queue has been overrun with articles, podcasts,

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My Body Glorifies God

“You’re built for speed,” my husband said the other day, when we were joking about my small figure. And while I laughed with him and

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