We just celebrated the 24th of July, aka: Pioneer Day, or to non-Mormons in Utah: Pie-and-Beer Day.
In my Stake, we had a special celebration on Saturday, July 27 for new pioneers in our area – including picnics and outdoor games.
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We just celebrated the 24th of July, aka: Pioneer Day, or to non-Mormons in Utah: Pie-and-Beer Day.
In my Stake, we had a special celebration on Saturday, July 27 for new pioneers in our area – including picnics and outdoor games.
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Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.
5 Responses
We did nothing on the 24th. I told my husband to take it off as a religious holiday, but he didn’t. 🙂 Last night on the 27th, the local Genesis group did an evening about early black priesthood holders for Pioneer Day. Our ward will have a picnic this next Saturday on the 3rd of August. That’s all I know for local P-day activities.
We did nothing, nor did our ward do anything. None of the wards I’ve been in in OR have celebrated July 24th.
I can’t believe I’m writing this, because I can’t believe we’re doing this:
On July 24, my family arrived in Mumbai, India. We moved to Mumbai from Las Vegas to work in an American school. I am very excited about being involved with the branch here in Mumbai, and I did think of myself as a pioneer, as we stepped off the plane on Pioneer Day.
I love Angie’s comment, and I love the SF Genesis group’s celebration.
My daughters were at Girl Scout day camp this week, so they felt sufficiently pioneer-like: one got to go canoeing on the 24th, and the other got to cook over a campfire. And then we had dinner with a dear friend who is pioneering a women’s leadership initiative in Asia.