
What did you do on the 24th of July?

We just celebrated the 24th of July, aka: Pioneer Day, or to non-Mormons in Utah: Pie-and-Beer Day.

In my Stake, we had a special celebration on Saturday, July 27 for new pioneers in our area – including picnics and outdoor games.

What did you do?


5 Responses

  1. We did nothing on the 24th. I told my husband to take it off as a religious holiday, but he didn’t. 🙂 Last night on the 27th, the local Genesis group did an evening about early black priesthood holders for Pioneer Day. Our ward will have a picnic this next Saturday on the 3rd of August. That’s all I know for local P-day activities.

  2. We did nothing, nor did our ward do anything. None of the wards I’ve been in in OR have celebrated July 24th.

  3. I can’t believe I’m writing this, because I can’t believe we’re doing this:

    On July 24, my family arrived in Mumbai, India. We moved to Mumbai from Las Vegas to work in an American school. I am very excited about being involved with the branch here in Mumbai, and I did think of myself as a pioneer, as we stepped off the plane on Pioneer Day.

  4. I love Angie’s comment, and I love the SF Genesis group’s celebration.

    My daughters were at Girl Scout day camp this week, so they felt sufficiently pioneer-like: one got to go canoeing on the 24th, and the other got to cook over a campfire. And then we had dinner with a dear friend who is pioneering a women’s leadership initiative in Asia.

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