- Helen Whitney describes her four years among the Mormons
- What were Young Women reading in 1958?
- ESC’s journey into motherhood
- Janet on “mothering with disabilities”
- BiV gives a primer on Utah Midwifery
- Eve’s (characteristically) wise and compassionate take on knowledge and doubt
- A glimpse into Tracy’s creative process
- Claudia Bushman to keynote at the Rocky Mountain Retreat
- A quarter of Americans have left the faith of their childhood.
- Centering prayer: this technique of Colorado Trappists reminds me of the meditation workshop at the ExII retreat.
- And the Irish Jesuits offer you ten minutes of contemplation at your computer!
- And to complete my Catholic monastic trifecta, I just finished this lovely book about a Benedictan monk saved souls with love and a listening ear.
Things that make you go, Huh?
I only read this article to the end because I was waiting for the punchline, the rhetorical flourish that would indicate that it was satire. Never came. At least I wasn’t alone in my reaction. Criminy.
5 Responses
I can’t actually get to the Obama/Women story, do you think they pulled it?
That article in the last link is messed-up. Crazy messed-up.
Dude, the WP one is a GEM!
Thanks for the kind words, Deborah, and for your weekly efforts and assembling these.
P.S.–I just got my Dialogue today and read your review of Martha Bradley’s book. Great job!