- Progressives are fasting for political change: http://nyti.ms/h6vRRG #
- Tina Fey's Bossypants: the star's brand of tough girl feminism. – By Katie Roiphe – Slate Magazine – http://www.slate.com/id/2289892/ #
- Supreme Court Hears Wal-Mart Gender Bias Discrimination Case http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/law/jan-june11/scotus_03-29.html #
- an exceptional write up about Ben Abbot's "Questions of the Heart" (being gay and Mormon) http://bit.ly/e13G39 h/t @thmazing @motleyvision #
- For all the Nice Guys ™ out there– Today's ToothpasteForDinner: http://www.toothpastefordinner.com/032911/ #
- nine moons just got an *awesome* blogger in @mfranti -> http://bit.ly/g5vbOx #
- RT @janaremy: New blogpost: "Catharsis and Emergence" http://bit.ly/gMBakU #
- loving the hat tip to our Starfoxy's Activity Days posts (with other great links too) http://bit.ly/hyd5oC #
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