- RT @jodim Spotted in the women's restroom at BYU. Brides have them. Babies have them. Now missionaries have them too! http://bit.ly/hYz5tq #
- RT @quickmissive Dealing With Disappointment (when life goes not how you'd wished) http://bit.ly/e7KvMH #
- two exceptional posts by @xJane: ritual, worship & creation -> http://bit.ly/fBZhZl and http://bit.ly/i1y2TA #
- Was Asherah edited out of the Bible? http://t.co/Jg45gPT #
- MT @studentactivismParents BEWARE: If you let your daughter wear a miniskirt at 12, she may have sex like 6 yrs later. http://bit.ly/fZwHdA #
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