Sometimes at the blog, we get comments that seem a little off, like the commenter didn’t read the OP (Original Post) before they started typing. I often respond to such comments by asking “Did you read the OP?” Once, a commenter who had written a long comment berating me for failing to mention A VERY IMPORTANT FACT, that had, in fact, been a very important part of my original post, responded to my question by telling me that her failure to read what I said in the OP was my fault for not writing those words in the first sentence of my post, before she got bored of reading and skipped ahead to the comment section to type her rebuttal. But more often, the commenter does not answer my question because they don’t read other people’s comments, either.
As part of my continued efforts to enhance understanding between feminist bloggers and trolls, I have searched VERY IMPORTANT and totally reliable sources to uncover the top ten reasons trolls don’t read the OP before commenting.
Top 10 Reasons I Didn’t Read the OP before I Commented
- After reading the title, I was too excited to start writing my rebuttal!
- I might have learned something if I read, and everything I need to know I already learned in Primary.
- Reading would have left me with less time for writing and I wanted to write a comment that was at least as long as the OP.
- I didn’t want to see or hear anything evil, so I avoided the OP just in case. I follow the proverb, “See no evil, hear no evil.” What? It also says “Speak no evil?” Well, I didn’t hear that part, because…
- I love speaking and hate listening.
- I thought the girl OPs were kind of like the lady talks at General Conference, when priesthood holders take a snack break.
- I am trying to follow prophetic counsel to limit time on social media, so I quit reading and limit myself to mansplaining.
- I assume I know what you probably said.
- I am in a hurry to get as many comments onto this website as I can before the mods put me into permanent moderation.
- I was in a bishopric once, so I outrank the OP.
9 Responses
I know this list is true with every fiber of my being!
Since I am already in permanent moderation 9 doesn’t apply to me. And, whilst I have not had the spiritual witness of the truthfulness of this list that cruelestmonth41 has, it looks pretty correct to me – on virtually any forum, for any subject.
However, this one I do believe, “I was in a bishopric once, so I outrank the OP.” At least, I believe it is the funniest and saddest at once. Why? Because for some I think it is probably true.
Having said that, I have been in a bishopric, and I don’t feel that I outrank the OP.
I’d like to bare my testimony, that I know this list is true, and hilarious. Itnojca
Hahahaha! This is *brilliant*, April! Thank you for addressing this important issue that has been a problem since time immemorial (i.e., over a decade, which is forever in blog years). I think #7 is my favorite, but it’s hard to pick. I think #8 is probably the one that is actually true most often.
Lady OPs are like GC where the priesthood holders take a snack break during women’s talks.
In a similar vein- I once had a crush on a dude and then he showed me he & his friends had a “Salute to Condtioner” reel of hair conditioner commercials that they turned on during the women GC talks. I was no longer attracted to him.
Pantene swoosh hair instead of substance delivered by women? Good heavens.
Thank goodness for these guys who tell on themselves before we make big mistakes, ammiright?
I hope in the interests of equality you made an “especially for men” reel of improbable hair color for older gentlemen to play when anyone lower ranking than an apostle got up.
I only wish I had thought about it.