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Terry Tempest Williams on her mother’s mystifying bequest
Source: whyy.org
Twenty-five years ago, TERRY TEMPEST WILLIAMS’ mother died of ovarian cancer, and she left Terry 54 journals, one for each year of her life. Later, when Terry went to read them, longing to hear her mother’s voice again, she found that each one was blank. In her book, “When Women Were Birds: Fifty-Four Variations on Voice,” Williams meditates on why her mother might have left the journals unfilled. What did that signify to her mother? What was her mother telling her?
Listen to the podcast here.
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One Response
Love this podcast. Like TTW, I find writing journals to be somewhat paralyzing because of the issue of audience. I worry about family reading my journals, and it twists and turns how I write. On the other hand, I don’t think people will read my blog posts (or this comment), and it’s somehow much more easy to be honest.