Blogger Kaylee is on the latest episode of “At Last She Said It,” a podcast where hosts Cynthia Winward and Susan Hinckley discuss the issues that women in Mormonism deal with. The community there is similar to the community here at The Exponent II: women and gender minorities along a spectrum of relationships to the church, from all-in though nuanced to all out, who come together to say what they’re thinking and feeling.
In “The Spiritual Nature of All Things,” Kaylee talks about her experiences as a physicist and how her scientific knowledge of the universe have affected her spiritual knowledge of herself and divinity. While I am not a physicist, many of the things she said resonated with my own spiritual journey, particularly when she shares her experience receiving revelation that went against what the church teaches. It’s a great reminder that we all need to trust ourselves—there is no substitute for our own personal revelation, including what the prophet has said.
Read the written version of Kaylee’s sermon, which started this conversation.
Photo: M57, or the Ring Nebula, is a planetary nebula, the glowing remains of a sun-like star. The tiny white dot in the center of the nebula is the star’s hot core, called a white dwarf. NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration