Picture of EmilyCC
EmilyCC lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her spouse and three children. She currently serves as a stake Just Serve specialists, and she recently returned to school to become a nurse. She is a former editor of Exponent II and a founding blogger at The Exponent.

Relief Society Lesson Chapter 15: Faithful, Energetic Service in the Kingdom of God

Exponent II Mailing PartyI love the title of this lesson, but I’ll admit that I felt a little deflated when I saw that it was primarily about missionary work.

I do not want to do missionary work if it’s only about bringing someone salvation by baptizing them into our church. I’m not sure I believe that, and I’m uncomfortable with the idea that I could bring (more, better!) Truth to someone.

So, if I was going to teach this lesson, I would ask the sisters for their stories of when they have felt or when they have observed faithful, energetic services in the Kingdom of God. (The picture to the left is an example of such service for me–an Exponent II mailing party. Note that even Jessawhy’s son is anxiously engaged.)

If the class needed help, I can’t think of a database of better examples of Faithful, Energetic Service in the Kingdom of God than Mormon Women Project’s “Lives of Service” interviews.

The headings of this lesson are also beautiful ideas, and I would read those and follow-up with questions:

“Because we have received the fulness of the gospel, we serve as ambassadors of Christ.”
What does being an ambassador of Christ mean to you?
How are you an ambassador?
Is there an ambassador of Christ who you admire? Why?

“Every calling and responsibility is important in the Lord’s work.”
What calling in Church have you been given that you found important in the Lord’s work when culturally, it may not seem that way?

“The work of the Lord is sometimes difficult, but it brings great joy.”
When have you found this to be true?
What helped you persevere?

But, perhaps you do need to teach a lesson on missionary work. I think our recent worldwide broadcast offered some great examples (and clips to use in class) Because The Exponent blog has been doing Relief Society Lessons for six years now, type “missionary work” in our Search bar, and you’ll find some great stuff from our permas and guest posts.

I also think that our recent worldwide missionary training broadcast offered some good ideas (I love that the primary focus was on listening to the Spirit as we do missionary work). I love “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go” and Elder Neil L. Andersen’s part within the broadcast.

EmilyCC lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her spouse and three children. She currently serves as a stake Just Serve specialists, and she recently returned to school to become a nurse. She is a former editor of Exponent II and a founding blogger at The Exponent.

5 Responses

  1. I’m preparing to teach this lesson in August and found that it seems to be much more about service within the church rather than missionary work outside of the church. At least that’s the direction I’m taking it :).

    I love the sections on helping each other receive salvation, the importance of every calling, and serving in our callings (even when difficult) with cheerfulness and joy. Lots of meat here for a great discussion.

    1. I too felt the focus was on our own commitment to service within the church. I think this builds well on the lesson of charity. Charity, being the pure love of Christ, is not the acts we perform, but the catalyst to those actions. Charity is what generates pure religion, which is serving and assisting all of God’s children unconditionally. If we are possessed of that pure love of Christ, we will be energized through this love to magnify our callings blessing the lives of those we touch. I think this is going to be a great message.

  2. The lesson is not about missionary work whatsoever. It only draws an example of service from Lorenzo Snow’s life in which he happened to be serving a mission. The lesson is about service in whatever capacity.

    And “bringing someone to salvation” doesn’t stop at baptism. Baptism is not salvation. I’m sorry that you are uncomfortable of the idea of sharing the gospel.

  3. I love your question (paraphrasing) “What calling have you found important that culturally may not seem that way?” Teaching this lesson tomorrow and excited to hear what the ladies have to say.


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