
Gospel Principles 15: The Lord’s Covenant People

by Kelly Ann

For this lesson, I have made a list of questions (some taken from the lesson itself) to help stimulate thought prior to and potentially generated discussion in Relief Society.  I hope the teachers find this useful and will share further ideas below as this is not a comprehensive outline as is.

“Chapter 15: The Lord’s Covenant People,” Gospel Principles, (2009),81–86

What is a covenant? Is there a difference between a covenant and a promise?  What does a covenant mean in terms of the gospel? Why does God make covenants with his children?  Does God make covenants with all of his children?  How do we know when there is a covenant relationship?

Why are members of the church specifically called a covenant people?  What covenants do we make in the church?  How do they help us? How might they hinder us?

What do we promise God and what does God promise us with individual covenants?  What is the significance of the covenants made at baptism? the sacrament? the temple?  What is the importance of the physical ordinance vs. the symbolic promises made?  Are there other covenants that we can make?

Is perfect obedience necessary to fulfill covenants?  What happens if we do not obey our covenants?  Why are there sometimes penalties?  What is the significance of obedience?  How does it relate to faith in a covenant relationship with God?  What role does Jesus Christ play in keeping our covenants with God?

Who else has God made covenants with in the present and in the past?  What is the Abrahamic covenant?  Who is included in the Abrahamic covenant?  How has it blessed and affected man-kind?  How do the commandments and promises in the Abrahamic covenant apply to us?  How does it relate to the new and everlasting covenant (define)?

What blessings and responsibilities come to those who covenant with God?  How do we keep our covenants?  What do we promise to do when we accept the gospel? What blessings are we given as we keep our covenants?  How can we better remember the significance of our covenants?  Why is it important for everyone to make covenants?

Note: This lesson was originally written for the Relief Society audience in 2010-2011, when the Gospel Principles manual was temporarily used as curriculum for Relief Society, Elders Quorum and High Priest classes. The lesson may require adaptation for Gospel Principles classes, which are mixed gender and primarily serve new members and investigators of the church.

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