Picture of Jana
Jana is a university administrator and teaches History. Her soloblog is http://janaremy.com


This week my husband and I recorded our first-ever podcast where I banter a bit with him as he tells the story of his conversion to Mormonism and I read a short essay that I wrote about my favorite cemetery.

The experience of recording my voice for the Internet was discomfiting. I don’t like hearing myself talk, and I was pretty self-conscious in the process. Generally I feel I make a better impression with my writing than with my voice. I am hesitant when I speak, and I have difficulty articulating my thoughts clearly.

However, I am excited about the technology of podcasting. In the future I think it would be wonderful to add some podcasts to the X2 site. For example, I have long thought how lovely it would be to hear Brookewill read her poetry.

So I’m wondering if many of you are avid listeners of podcasts? I’ve just recently, as in the last 2 months, started listening to other ‘casts, and I’ve become quite enamored of this genre. For those of you who are podcast subscribers, perhaps you can share some of your favorites with all of us?

Jana is a university administrator and teaches History. Her soloblog is http://janaremy.com

6 Responses

  1. I only listen to the Mormon Stories podcast, but would read or listen to anything that you put up here at Exponent II.

  2. I’m a big fan of Mormon Stories. I listen to other podcasts as well. They make my commute much more interesting. I would love to listen to anything you put up here at ExII.

  3. Congrats on starting your own podcast. Even though it is discomforting to hear your own voice, it is very fun.

    Of course Mormons Stories is great. Other LDS podcasts I listen to are: Catholic Mormon, Mormon Mom Cast, Sunstone, Mormon Cast, and a few others. And I do my own: This Mormon Life.

    I also listen to about 5-10 nonLDS podcasts, and like to check out new ones all the times. Some favorites are: TWIT, Creative Screenwriting, DragonPage, Orange Lounge Radio, Ricky Gervais, Writer’s Almanac.

  4. I was very impressed to listen to your own podcast–so technologically savvy! I’m excited to hear more.

    I enjoy the Sunstone podcasts, but they’re really the only Mormon ones I knew about until now. And, Rory, Speaking of Faith looks really cool!

    I’ve been enjoying exploring NPR’s podcast directory ; there’s tons on there.

    I think the EXII board is working on seeing if we can make some parts of the retreat available as podcasts. Jana, do you have ideas about what else could be done?

  5. Yes, I think podcasting the retreats is a fabulous idea! Also, the speakers’ series in Boston could be recroded for podcasts, as could interviews with a variety of noteworthy LDS women.

    PS: the sound quality of our first podcast is not stellar. We’ve acquired some better equipment and we’re learning various strategies to improve our next one. Stay tuned 🙂 [Note: our podcast is now listed in itunes as “An Atheist’s Prayer.”].

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