Picture of April Young-Bennett
April Young-Bennett
April Young-Bennett is the author of the Ask a Suffragist book series and host of the Religious Feminism Podcast. Learn more about April at

Latina Feminist Theology with Theresa A. Yugar

Latina Feminist Theology with Theresa A. Yugar
Dr. Theresa A. Yugar

In this episode of the Religious Feminism interview series, Dr. Theresa Yugar, a professor at  California State University specializing in Gender in Colonial Latin American History and Ecofeminism in Latin America, teaches us about Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the first known feminist on the American continent, and modern Latina feminist movements. You can find episode notes for the Religious Feminism Podcast here at the Exponent website:

Links to Connect and Learn More:

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Feminist Reconstruction of Biography and Text by Theresa A. Yugar 

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Feminist Reconstruction of Biography and Text
Theresa on Facebook

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Feminist Reconstruction of Biography and Text on Facebook

Theresa Yugar on LinkedIn

Theresa’s website

Additional Resources Discussed in the Podcast:

Women’s Ordination Conference

Roman Catholic Women Priests

The Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual

Mujeres de Maiz

Listen and subscribe for free below:

April Young-Bennett is the author of the Ask a Suffragist book series and host of the Religious Feminism Podcast. Learn more about April at

4 Responses

  1. I know Theresa! (Hi Theresa). We were both students of our beloved Rosemary Radford Ruether at CGU. Very cool that you got the chance to interview her.

  2. We need to promote Vatican II (1962-65) to those who know very little about how the church changed to reach back to its original roots pre-Vatican I (1869-1870) when women were leaders in the church without the title!! And when the church was closer to the teachings of Jesus, which seems so important to the Millennials and younger generation. We must be careful not to fall into fundamentalism because it tries to move women back into gendered roles, such as complementarity. Go Theresa!! Leader, guide and mentor and fellow feminist!!

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