By Eleanor Rose
The Articles of Faith were originally written as a letter to a Chicago newspaper After Joseph Smith’s death, enthusiastic saints found the document and voted to canonize it. I may not be qualified to write revelation for the whole church, but I can certainly write a letter to the, and I can express my current Personal Articles of Faith in a way that feels right to me:
Personal Articles of Faith
1. I believe in God the Eternal Father and Mother, and in Their Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost (who could possibly be Their Daughter, according to some scripture scholars).
2. I believe that people will be accountable for their own decisions in context, and not for the decisions of their ancestors or descendants. I also recognize that our decisions affect and influence other people.
3. I believe that through the Atonement of Christ, almost all of God’s children will ultimately be saved in a kingdom of glory. By obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I can enjoy eternal family relationships and strive for godliness.
4. I believe that the first principles and ordinances of Christ’s gospel are: 1) faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, 2) repentance, 3) baptism by immersion, and 4) receiving and acting upon the gift of the Holy Ghost.
5. I believe that in order for worthy people to officiate in the earthly ordinances of the gospel, they must be called and set apart by those with priesthood authority that can be traced back to God.
6. I believe in the organization that God has planned for this, the dispensation of the fulness of times, namely: families with parents as equal partners, councils, quorums, presidencies, prophets, apostles, disciples, teachers, witnesses, missionaries, volunteers, and so forth. I also believe that God wishes to invite all covenant sons and daughters to be intentionally engaged in priesthood-powered service.
7. I believe in the gifts of faith, hope, charity, discernment, prophecy, revelation, visions, ministering angels, healing, and all other spiritual gifts available to those who have received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
8. I believe the Bible to be inspired by God as far as it is written, compiled, transcribed, transmitted, translated, and interpreted correctly. I believe the Book of Mormon was inspired and brought forth by God, and that it was written especially for our dispensation. I believe we will receive additional sacred records that will give us further light and knowledge.
9. I believe all that God has revealed, all that They do now reveal, and I believe that They will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God, as soon as we are prepared to receive them.
10. I believe in inviting and gathering God’s children to make covenants with Christ our Savior, and that as a church we should strive to create Zion in our hearts, homes, and communities by treating others with respect and compassion. I believe the prophecies concerning Christ’s second coming and His personal reign upon the earth, and that the earth will be renewed and receive her paradisiacal glory.
11. I claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of my own conscience, and allow all people the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
12. I believe in obeying, honoring, and sustaining democratic laws that do not negate basic human rights. I feel a responsibility to resist or seek changes to laws that are in direct conflict with my understanding of God’s law.
13. I believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all people. I rejoice in my blessings and hope to endure all my trials through faith and hope in Christ. I seek to fill my life with truth, wisdom, growth, beauty, courage, prayer, and charity.
14. Bonus Article: I do not believe in polygamy, male dominance, husbands presiding over wives, non-reciprocal marriage covenants, scriptural inerrancy, prophetic infallibility, idolatry, racism, sexism, unrighteous dominion, fear, and unquestioned loyalty to bureaucracy or tradition.
Eleanor Rose is a lifetime LDS Utah woman who dreams that someday the temple experience will feel perfect and empowering….the way her Heavenly Parents meant it to be.
7 Responses
Amen! These Articles of Faith deserve to be cross-stitched and hung on my wall!
#14 is my favorite!
Many of these gave me chills. Beautiful job, Eleanor! I was wishing there was something about the Temple ordinances being change to not subjugate women to men, and then you alluded to it in your bio at the end. Loved that.
“Eleanor Rose is a lifetime LDS Utah woman who dreams that someday the temple experience will feel perfect and empowering….the way her Heavenly Parents meant it to be.“
Amen and amen!
I love these so much!!! Can you just imagine a 12 year old girl, recently leaving primary being asked by the bishop to recite her favorite Article of Faith, and she launches into #14?! These are wonderful.
Love it!!
Very nicely done!
Consider sending to the Q15 and general aux officers!!!