Picture of Jana
Jana is a university administrator and teaches History. Her soloblog is http://janaremy.com

Friday Photo Feature: Brooke!*


When we’re on autopilot, our surroundings appear unremarkable. Our doorsteps, our dishes, the daily view from the window, the neighbor’s bicycle, a glass of water. Enter: my little Powershot. It fits in my hand; it’s snappy; and it has a delicious macro setting (sort of like an ultra-microscopic zoom at the flick of a switch). On a whim, I can crouch down and zoom in—and suddenly I’m in a world of unfamiliar terrain. It’s like my camera is a portal to these tiny populated globes glittering with life. If Dr. Seuss’s Horton had a camera, it would be a Powershot.


Of course, trying to catch (and make unfamiliar) that tiny fleeting image is not something you can prepare for with elaborate settings and equipment. I have no use for a tripod (unless I could find one that would simply appear every time I needed it and quickly disappear afterwards), and I don’t have time to experiment with different lenses and lighting apparatuses. I use my camera like the old pros used their Leica—frame, point, and shoot. Naturally, I would love to have all of that extra gear, but honestly, I don’t think I’d use it. I like the feeling of suddenly zooming in (out of the massive yucky atmosphere of “real” life) and making that pencil/sewer manhole cover/jar of toothpicks/zipper look unrecognizable—even beautiful.


If you would like to be featured on an upcoming Friday, please contact me at phddilly(at)yahoo(dot)com

*Note: I added the exclamation point just because I’m a dork and I’m so thrilled to feature Brooke’s work! 🙂

To see more of Brooke’s photos, click on “Read More”






Jana is a university administrator and teaches History. Her soloblog is http://janaremy.com

6 Responses

  1. Brooke, these are gorgeous!! Someday I’m going to come over with my camera and I want you to show me how to use that micro setting.

    I particularly love that picture with the grass/moss and headlights.

  2. Amazing photos, Brooke.
    I love seeing these because I know you!
    What is the last picture, the red object?
    It reminds me of elementary school where the kids would have to guess image from up close.

  3. Brooke, I have a powershot, too and I looked at my manual and figured out how to do the macro!
    I’m super excited and I’ve taken a bunch of pics of my wedding ring and my eye that look really cool.
    Yeah for me! Thanks for giving me this idea.

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