Biblical prophets predicted troubling times in the future.
“For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven,” said Malachi of the Old Testament. (Malachi 4:1)
“For when they shall say, ‘Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them,’” said Paul of the New Testament. (1 Thessalonians 5:3)
Today, we are burning. The world is heating up and wildfires are becoming increasingly frequent and destructive. With more speed than ever before, tropical storms are becoming hurricanes and suddenly destroying large portions of our ecosystem. Scientists attribute the extreme weather to climate change, and attribute climate change to us, the people on this planet.
The apostle Paul also placed the blame for the destruction he foresaw firmly in the laps of the humans who would occupy this planet: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud…” he said. (2 Timothy 3:1-2)
Our own selfishness and pride may very well be the cause of our climate change problem. It manifests in conspicuous consumption, prioritizing the bottom line over the safety of our planet and its citizens, and recklessly satisfying our immediate convenience ahead of the needs of our own children and descendants.
With the urgency of ancient prophets, modern scientists warn us that we must stem climate change before we destroy the planet we live on. But many of us stubbornly refuse to heed their warnings. And although the science echoes our own scriptures, conservative Christians are among the most likely to be blind to the signs of the times, insisting that climate change is not happening, or if it is, humans are not at fault.
Perhaps Jesus was talking about us when He said, “False Christs and false prophets…shall deceive the very elect.” (Matthew 24:24)
3 Responses
This is an important issue. Thanks for your post, April!
Thank you for speaking truth to power.
definitely a concern that our society should take more seriously