Picture of TopHat
TopHat is putting her roots down in the Bay Area with her husband and three children. She loves the earth, yarn, and bicycling.

Young Women Lesson: How Is Jesus Christ a Light in My Life?

Bearers of Heavenly Light by Dieter F. Uchtdorf Lesson Plan

Here is the the paragraph of instruction that the Church gives on lds.org, regarding President Uchtdorf’s talk, Bearers of Heavenly Light:

Invite members to search President Uchtdorf’s message and identify how the presence or absence of divine light can affect our lives. You could invite members to study some of the scriptures that President Uchtdorf references and identify truths related to spiritual light. What does the metaphor about the eclipse teach us about the role of agency in seeking spiritual light? What can we do to share Jesus Christ’s divine light with others, especially with our families and with “our youth, who are seeking light”?

Young Women Lesson: How Is Jesus Christ a Light in My Life?
Photo by Harini Calamur. Used under the CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license.

The first time light is mentioned in scripture, it is at the very beginning of Genesis.  The first act of creation in Genesis is God’s command, “Let there be light.” God has given us light from the very beginning. Then the world was given more light with Christ, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

In this talk, President Uchdorf states,

“In the Doctrine and Covenants we read, “The word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ.”5

This profound insight—that light is spirit, which is truth, and that this light shines upon every soul who comes into the world—is as important as it is hopeful. The Light of Christ enlightens and saturates the souls of all who hearken to the voice of the Spirit.

The Light of Christ fills the universe.

It fills the earth.

And it can fill every heart.

“God is no respecter of persons.” His light is available to all—great or small, rich or poor, privileged or disadvantaged.”

Recently I listened to a group of kindergarteners at my children’s school sing “This Little Life of Mine.” It was easy to smile as I watched those small children sing about their light. It’s harder in my day-to-day life to remember that all the adults in my life have the same light.

We have been told many times that every person is born with the Light of Christ? What does that mean? How does it manifest in their lives and the world?

What about yourself? Do you look in the mirror and realize you also have the light of Christ? What might make you feel otherwise? 

President Uchtdorf states,

“Every time you turn your hearts to God in humble prayer, you experience His light. Every time you seek His word and will in the scriptures, the light grows in brightness. Every time you notice someone in need and sacrifice your own comfort to reach out in love, the light expands and swells. Every time you reject temptation and choose purity, every time you seek or extend forgiveness, every time you courageously testify of truth, the light chases away darkness and attracts others who are also seeking light and truth.”

What can we do to increase spiritual light in our lives? Is there a time when you felt light increase in your life? What was that experience like?

Uchtdorf continues,

“Think about your own personal experiences, moments of service to God and fellowmen when divine light has shined in your life—in the holy temple, at the sacrament table, in a quiet moment of prayerful pondering, in your family gatherings, or during an act of priesthood service. Share those moments with family, friends, and especially with our youth, who are seeking light. They need to hear from you that with this light come hope and healing, even in a world full of darkness.”

I love this reassuring and comforting quote from Chieko Okazaki,

“Jesus is the light of the world. We know that this world is a dark place sometimes, but we need not walk in darkness. The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light, and the people who walk in darkness can have a bright companion. We need him, and He is ready to come to us, if we’ll open the door and let him.”

I found this rendition of “This Little Life of Mine with Sylvia McNair and The Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It would be a lovely way to close a lesson. It’s 4 minutes long, so plan accordingly.


Another Relief Society lesson plan about light for more ideas: An Ensign to the Nations, a Light to the World

This lesson plan was adapted from Relief Society Lesson: Bearers of Heavenly Light by Dieter F. Uchtdorf, originally published on December 26, 2016.

TopHat is putting her roots down in the Bay Area with her husband and three children. She loves the earth, yarn, and bicycling.

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