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kendahl is a queer fat left-handed INFJ synesthete mother warrior activist social worker abuse survivor unapologetically brilliant powerful witch

Announcing the “My Planned Parenthood” Blog Carnival hosted by Shakesville and What Tami Said

Announcing the "My Planned Parenthood" Blog Carnival hosted by Shakesville and What Tami Said

I am an avid reader of Shakesville.  You may have noticed that I can’t write a post without at least linking to it, let alone quoting directly from it’s main blogger Melissa McEwan.  I have also been on the lookout for various feminist-themed blog carnivals for The Exponent to get involved with.  I love blog carnivals.  They widen readership, allow cross-over from unexpected places, and get conversations going in fresh, new ways.  Plus, women’s issues are so ubiquitous.  It makes sense to join in the national conversation sometimes.

As I was reading earlier this week, I stumbled across this post announcing Shakesville’s intent to co-host a blog carnival next Thursday, July 7th.  It’s called the “My Planned Parenthood” blog carnival.  And I am here on The Exponent to announce that we are participating.  Our own blogger Stella will be writing a post for next Thursday, as part of the larger conversation regarding Planned Parenthood.

The My Planned Parenthood carnival is a call to speak out about your experiences with Planned Parenthood.  It is an opportunity to tell your personal story.  Do you have an experience using Planned Parenthood in your state?  Do you have a personal blog?  Consider writing your own post and linking to the blog carnival on July 7th.

Please join What Tami Said and Shakesville for “My Planned Parenthood,” a blog carnival devoted to sharing the stories of the women and men helped by Planned Parenthood of Indiana and other Planned Parenthood branches.

Share your personal story of being helped by Planned Parenthood of Indiana or Planned Parenthood in another state. Link your story to why it is important that the organization continue to thrive. We are particularly interested in the stories of Indiana residents, but welcome other bloggers to take part. Planned Parenthood is under attack in states throughout the country, including Kansas, North Carolina and Wisconsin. We need to hear ALL voices.

All posts should be scheduled to publish by 9 a.m. Eastern, Thursday, July 7.


  • Spread the word about this blog carnival through your blog, word of mouth and social media. On Twitter, use hashtag #MyPP. Post the My Planned Parenthood graphic on your blog and link it to this announcement. (See code below.)
  • Email [email protected] or [email protected] with your intention to participate. Include the name of your blog and it’s URL.  You may also submit a guest post here on The Exponent at
  • Write your post. We may ask you to include a .jpg carnival graphic with information on how to support Planned Parenthood in your post.
  • Schedule your post to publish by 9 a.m. Eastern, Thursday, July 7. If you can, send a direct link to your post to one of the email addresses above before July 7. What Tami Said and Shakesville will publish the names and links to all participating blogs in a stub post on July 7.
  • Continue to spread the word and direct people to blog carnival posts.

If you are not a blogger, but would like to share your story, send it to one of the emails above and we will publish it on our websites. (Material published on our blogs is subject to our approval.) Be sure to include your home state and a “handle” that needn’t be your real name.

We will NOT link to any anti-choice or anti-Planned Parenthood posts. We will verify content at links.

Neither What Tami Said nor Shakesville are affiliated with Planned Parenthood or Planned Parenthood of Indiana. Planned Parenthood is not involved in this effort. Melissa and I are simply two Hoosier women concerned by conservative legislatures’ attacks on women and the organizations that serve them, as well as continued distortions about Planned Parenthood’s services disseminated by opponents of reproductive freedom and choice.

We hope you will join us in our stand.

If you or a loved one has ever used Planned Parenthood’s services, please donate to Planned Parenthood of Indiana, or a Planned Parenthood in your state today.

(I have included some buttons below, but I couldn’t get the code to work.  Please just copy and save them to get them to transfer to your blog.)

Announcing the "My Planned Parenthood" Blog Carnival hosted by Shakesville and What Tami Said

Announcing the "My Planned Parenthood" Blog Carnival hosted by Shakesville and What Tami Said

Announcing the "My Planned Parenthood" Blog Carnival hosted by Shakesville and What Tami Said

kendahl is a queer fat left-handed INFJ synesthete mother warrior activist social worker abuse survivor unapologetically brilliant powerful witch

6 Responses

  1. Appreciate the info, but too bad you won’t allow any links to viewpoints on the other side of the issue. I have to say the LDS stance on this makes SO much sense. Which is, that abortion should not happen unless there is a danger to the mother’s life/health or in cases of incest or rape. I can’t let this go without saying that someone needs to speak in behalf of unborn lives who can’t speak for themselves. I will speak in their behalf EVERY time!
    However, I understand that planned parenthood addresses other womens’ health issues, and that seems like a good thing.

    1. Amy, we’re simply participating in a blog carnival hosted by someone else. Shakesville and What Tami Said are the ones giving the parameters.

      But by all means, start another blog carnival. We need more feminist carnivals anyways. The more the merrier!

    1. Those are the ones I tried to copy, but when I tested them out they didn’t work (which I fully expect is on my end, I’m not so great with online technical issues!) For example, in this announcement post I had to save the image to my computer, and then add it in as an image. But when I tried just copying and pasting the code, it only showed up as code. I don’t know how that’s different, but I couldn’t figure it out! Pointers?

      1. I had to put it on my blog as html code, not in regular editing. Does The Exponent’s blog platform let you do entries in html besides regular? (for example, when I create a post, there are 2 tabs, “compose” and “edit html.”)

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