Picture of EmilyCC
EmilyCC lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her spouse and three children. She currently serves as a stake Just Serve specialists, and she recently returned to school to become a nurse. She is a former editor of Exponent II and a founding blogger at The Exponent.

Announcement: Exponent II Summer Issue Now Available

Announcement: Exponent II Summer Issue Now AvailableOur latest issue of Exponent II is available online and should be coming in your mailbox in the next couple weeks.

This Summer 2011 issue has essays on going through a divorce, interpreting the story of Esther in a new light, being single in the Church, and learning gospel lessons from the Harry Potter books.  (I’m also excited about the summer reading list in the Sister Speak feature!)

Beautiful artwork from Mormon women like Rose Datco Dall, Emily McPhie, and Abbigail Knowlton Israelsen are compelling reasons why you should get your own hard copy.  The colors and images just don’t look as powerful on a computer screen.

And, we’ve got another reason to celebrate today…FMH is guest editing the Fall 2011 issue of Exponent II, so we all know it’s going to being amazing.

Happy Summer!
Exponent II Staff

EmilyCC lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her spouse and three children. She currently serves as a stake Just Serve specialists, and she recently returned to school to become a nurse. She is a former editor of Exponent II and a founding blogger at The Exponent.

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