Picture of Caroline
Caroline has a PhD in religion and studies Mormon women.

A Give-Away in Honor of Emma Lou Thayne’s Life

A Give-Away in Honor of Emma Lou Thayne's LifeMany of us at Exponent II have been touched by Emma Lou Thayne’s wisdom and insight over the years. To celebrate her life, we’ve decided to do some give-aways:

  • one used hard copy of Thayne’s and Ulrich’s wonderful book, All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir
  • two kindle versions of All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir
  • one one-year subscription to the Exponent II magazine
  • one-two-year subscription to the Exponent II magazine

To enter yourself in this giveaway, please leave a comment on this post. If you are at all familiar with Emma Lou Thayne’s work, please leave a comment (it can be brief) reflecting on her writing, insight, how she impacted you, etc.  (We would like to compile some of these comments into an article for the magazine or just simply to send to the family as a token of how Emma Lou has touched so many people. ) If you are not familiar with her work, but would like to be, just leave a “please enter me in the give-away” comment. A Give-Away in Honor of Emma Lou Thayne's Life

We will be selecting winners for these give-aways using the very scientific method of selecting names out of a hat. We’ll contact you via the email address you use when you sign in to comment.

Caroline has a PhD in religion and studies Mormon women.

44 Responses

  1. “He answers privately, reaches my reaching.” This sentence has at times been a mantra for me,. With it I am constantly creating interactive visual metaphors in my heart and mind as I walk though life – through cancer, amputation, death of loved ones; as well as in moments of unadulterated joy – first hug from my newly returned missionary son, watching sunset from Barking sands beach in HI, the expression of gestalt wonder on the faces of young children when they experience the beauties of the world. He reaches my reaching. Simple sustaining truth.

  2. I took my Grandmother to hear Emma Lou read from All God’s Critters at a bookstore in Logan, Utah when I was in college. I will never forget her warmth, energy and joy. Nor will I ever forget the advice she gave me in response to my question about how she kept all her many activities and responsibilities in balance. After admitting that as a young Mom she wrote her poetry from 2 – 4 am, she advised me not to waste time doing things that are not important. Simple, solid advice I still try to take.

  3. “Constant he is, and kind.” those words so often run through my head when I feel like I am maybe missing out on His voice in my life–i remember who He is with that line.

  4. For the last several years, “Where Can I Turn for Peace” has been one of the hymns I turn to the most for comfort. I don’t pay enough attention to the authors of the hymns, or I would have sought out more of her writing long before now.

  5. I just remember my older sister saying “well behaved women rarely make history” when helping to form my own voice to stand against oppressive tradition and authority. I was only in elementary school, so it applied to my “tom boy” ways but it has stuck with me.

  6. Before I knew Emma Lou Thayne was an author, I knew she had written my favourite hymn.

    In a lesson for my beehives about the atonement, I used this hymn to teach that the Saviour can make us whole without cutting out the parts of us that need fixing. I accidentally taught them (because I misunderstood what I read on the Internet) that Emma Lou Thayne had written it as a Laurel, but I think she would approve of the message that young women can develop deep relationships with Christ, take seriously their spirituality, and share their talents with the world.

    Still now, it often turns up on Sundays that I desperately need to remember there is peace and wholeness in Christ, whether I am drawing myself apart or other sources are ceasing to make me whole.

    I don’t know Emma Lou Thayne, but I love her, and I hope one day to express that to her.

  7. Her poetry spoke to me, but her life spoke the loudest. She was not afraid to follow her heart or inspiration, ever. A peace activist in conservative, militaristic, authoritarian Utah? Her example strengthened my resolve to speak up for what I knew-and know – to be true. May her influence never die!

  8. I am so glad I heard her speak! She referred to GAs as “Tommy” and “Dallin” and I asked her if there were many other women who knew them on a first name basis and dared, like, she did, to challenge their perceptions, or if they were surrounded by an echo chamber. Unfortunately, she said that they are surrounded by an echo chamber. Her voice was so needed!

  9. I have been trying to read “All Gods Critters” forever, but my library doesn’t carry it. Please enter me in the giveaway!!

  10. “All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir” is one of the best Mormon/spiritual-themed books I’ve ever read. I hope this giveaway introduces others to Emma Lou and that treasure.

    1. I agree, Emily. The essay “Lusterware” gave me such peace when I read it years ago. I highly encourage all of you who don’t get drawn as a winner of the book to get on amazon and order a used copy. They are running for about $4.00 including shipping. Best $4.00 you will ever spend.

  11. Please enter me in the giveaway. I am sadly ignorant of Emma Lou Thayne’s work, but I’ve heard some glowing reviews and would love to dive in! Or to get more Exponent II issues! 🙂

  12. I heard the delightful Emma Lou speak at least twice, that I can think of, and I will forever treasure hearing her tell the story of writing “Where Can I Turn for Peace.”

  13. I listened to two podcasts with Emma Lou Thayne, and I loved her immediately. Both A Thoughtful Faith and Feminist Mormon Housewives Podcast interviewed her, and they are delightful. They made me wish that I had known her.

  14. I’m sad I didn’t know Emma Lou Thayne or her work and I’m so glad you are giving me the opportunity to start! Please enter me in the giveaway, but either way Emma Lou Thayne just got a place on my t0 read list.

  15. I once saw Emma Lou Thayne speak at UVU and her passion for peace convinced me of the rightness of my dedication for the same in the activist work with which I was and am engaged. Her words remain with me.

  16. Please enter me. I too wish to have my ignorance alleviated after reading all the wonderful stories I’ve seen this week.

  17. I was reading “All God’s Critters” this past year and really taking my time to savor each essay and think about it, so it took me a little while. In the middle of all of this, my grandmother died. She had previously asked me to speak at her service, so I knew that I had the daunting task of putting something together in a few short days. Since I tend to procrastinate heavily under a deadline, I instead opened up my copy of “All God’s Critters” to resume my reading. My bookmark was placed right at Emma Lou’s essay: “Joyce Henrie Funeral Remarks.” It felt like a huge amount of grace had just been heaped on my shoulders as I read her remarks, and I ended up patterning my remarks after Emma Lou’s (specifically talking about the promises I would make to honor my grandmother’s special talents and life, as Emma Lou had made to honor Joyce’s life). I am so grateful for that book, and particularly that essay, because it was just what I needed at that exact moment in my life.

  18. I would like to become more familiar with her writing, especially now that I have heard so many wonderful tributes.

  19. I heard Emma Lou’s voice for the first time on “A Thoughtful Faith” podcast this year. Her stories, vast perspective, enthusiasm, and her strength came through clearly and inspired me as I listened. I hope I can continue to be a voice for goodness in our church, as she was.

  20. I personally haven’t read much of her works, although now that she has been brought to my attention once again I will be reading her, but I have lovely memories of my mother reading her works. I would love to have a copy of her book to get to know her a little better.

  21. I was enchanted by Lisa’s interview with Emma Lou on the FMH podcast last year. So very grateful for our foremothers who sacrificed much, often in solitude, to make the space we have today as Mormon Feminists.

  22. I loved All God’s Critters…I read it at a time when I really need to hear such a calming, affirming, hopeful message about church.

  23. Her hymns are some of my favorites. Unfortunately I haven’t read any of her other work. But I would love the opportunity.

  24. My very conservative mom got a copy of All God’s Critters when it came out. It wasn’t until years later that I realized what a big deal that was.

  25. “Where Can I Turn for Peace?” Is one of the most poignant hymns ever written and it brings me closer to my Savior every time I sing it or play it on the piano.

  26. I love her hymn, and would love to learn more about her. I was so sad to have a sick kid when she was speaking near me.

  27. “. . . our stories are what make the difference, and if we can tell them honestly we can hope to help each other. In the end, we have nothing to offer each other but our stories.”

  28. I am a Music Therapist and love the song Where Can I Turn For Peace. A few years back I found myself approaching a bishop for counsel to bring my life back into order. During that process, it became apparent that what I had confessed had stirred up some old wounds in this bishop, wounds that were deep and painful for him. In the process he began to lash out against me. Each time I met with him I came away more hurt and in despair, I came for hope and I received discouragement and despair. During this time, I turned to music and Hymns along with the scriptures. I often sang this song as a means to find strength. After a year of enduring this pain, my bishop called me into his office in tears and apologized for the way he had been treating me. He explained that a your person had come into talk with him about similar issues and because he considered this young person like a child of his, he could not treat them the way he had treated me and believed that our meeting over the past year had prepared him to work with this other young soul. He thanked me for mentoring him over the previous year and said he believed that our association was the reason he was called to be a bishop a second time. God used me and my brokeness to heal his brokeness and in the end another was blessed. Thank you Emma Lou Thayne for the strength you gave me during that time. Who, who can understand? He only one!

  29. Thanks for all the great comments, everyone. I will close the drawing tonight at midnight Pacific time and do the drawing tomorrow. If you are a winner, you will hear from me.

  30. I’ve heard such wonderful things about Emma Lou Thayne from all over the bloggernacle and from my mother-in-law, who was a friend of hers. I wish I’d had the chance to meet her, but I’m glad she left a wealth of beautiful writing that I can continue to discover.

  31. I keep lending people my copies of “The Place of Knowing,” then having to constantly bug them to get it back! I often hear that they were wanting to hang on to it until they next saw their sister/mother/friend, so that they could share parts of it with them. I’d love to add to my little lending library! I love how Exponent II carries on her work.

  32. ‘Where Can I Turn For Peace’ has been my favorite hymn for sometime and touches me on such a deep level. I feel I have to know this woman more – time to read her books!

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