Picture of TopHat
TopHat is putting her roots down in the Bay Area with her husband and three children. She loves the earth, yarn, and bicycling.

2016 Year in Review

feminist daughters submission call

Happy end of 2016! Welcome 2017!

2016 marks this blog’s 10 year anniversary. Throughout the year, we posted retrospective posts reflecting on what this blog has meant to readers and bloggers, as well as summaries of each year’s hot topics.

While we are the blog-arm of the Exponent II Magazine, don’t forget to subscribe to the paper or electronic magazine. You’ll get to check off “support Mormon women’s voices” from your New Year resolutions list (so easy!).

First, we have a few new bloggers that started this year: Kathy, EmilyHB, DenisseNancy Ross, and Olea. Welcome! We also welcome any guest posts from you, our readers.


Blog Series this Year:

Single and Married in the LDS Church


Women of the Bible

Book Review Series 2016


Posts with the most visits:

5. Judy Dushku’s guest post Unintended Consequences

4. Guest Post: Zion Mormonism

3. April’s Teaching Consent in the Mormon Context

2. Suzette’s The Different Sides of Single and Chaste

1. Alisa’s Private Ecclesiastical Interviews for Children Are Abusive and Must Stop


Most commented on:

5. April’s A Public Service Announcement for Bishops and Stake Presidents

4. Guest Post: Marrying Young?

3. Amy’s The Blood on our Hands

2. Suzette’s The Different Sides of Single and Chaste

1. Alisa’s Private Ecclesiastical Interviews for Children Are Abusive and Must Stop


The top 10 or so search words for finding the blog were in three main themes

Top 3 Search Themes:

3. relief society lesson helps 2016, relief society lesson helps, relief society lessons

2. mothers day hymns, mother’s day hymns, hymns for mothers day, hymns for mother’s day, hymns appropriate for mother’s day

1. the exponent


Whew! As usual, you can find us in all the social networking places: our happenin’ Facebook group, our Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. We look forward to connecting with you and bringing you more content in 2017.

TopHat is putting her roots down in the Bay Area with her husband and three children. She loves the earth, yarn, and bicycling.

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