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Archives: Blogs

Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.


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Rodent Missionary

At the request of some of the commenters, here’s a picture of the rodent missionary that Linda referenced in her post “Bishop Potato Head and

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Virtual Oases V

A weekly round-up of Mormon women’s voices on the web. Arwyn on protecting members from abuse. Martha, Oprah, and the Rest of Us. Caroline guest-posts

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Writing your identity

I have only in recent years thought about writing poetry that identifies me as a Mormon. I always stayed away from writing about anything religious.

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Interfaith Families

Interfaith Marriage: It’s not the most precise term, really. When I say I have an interfaith marriage, the question that follows is, “What religion is

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Virtual Oases IV

A weekly round-up of LDS women’s voices. Julie’s master’s thesis: The anointing of Jesus by the unnamed woman in Bethany. Can we get her on

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