A friendly reminder about Exponent II’s Fall 2012 Political issue…we’ve also decided to extend the deadline from this Wednesday (yikes! how did that happen so fast?) to July 1st (Sunday).
Specific topics we hope people will explore include:
- How I became a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green Party, Tea Party, Socialist, etc.
- What volunteer work do you do in the political sphere? Personal experiences of political action.
- How does your religious belief inform your political leanings? Does your Mormonism affect your party affiliation?
- For Mormons outside the US, what does Romney’s nomination mean for you? Is his religion noted in the press? How do members of your ward feel?
- What political issues matter most to you and why (in a personal essay/experience context)?
- Personal experiences running for and/or winning a political office.
- Experiences pertaining to the idea of “the war on women.”
- Personal experiences with contemporary Mormon political movements: ERA reflections, Prop 8, etc.
- Have you heard (or delivered) a Sacrament Meeting talk which powerfully addressed a political theme?
- Are you a “single issue voter?” (i.e. you’ll vote for the candidate who agrees with you on the issue of LGBTQ rights, even if you disagree with her on most other issues?). What personal experiences make this issue so important to you?
- Personal interactions with Mitt Romney, the Romney family or Barack Obama.
- What effect (if any) has Romney’s exposure to the women of Exponent II had on him as either an ecclesiastical or political leader.
- How do you keep political talk out of Church? Does your ward do this successfully or unsuccessfully?
Essays can be between 750 to 3000 words in length. There may never be another issue of Exponent II that gets the kind of national exposure this issue will bring and we would love to represent as rich and broad a spectrum of Mormon women as we can find. Submissions can be sent to https://exponentii.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/IMG_5173-scaled-2.jpgATexponentiiDOTorg.
For more information about submissions, click here.