Esther found the courage to save her people. But first, she asked them to fast for her. (Esther 4:16)
The sons of Mosiah brought whole nations to the knowledge of truth. They taught with power and authority of God because of their prayer and fasting. (Alma 17:3-4)
When Christ’s disciples couldn’t perform a certain miracle, Jesus explained that this kind of miracle could not be brought about without prayer and fasting. (Matthew 17:21)
Those of us who support ordaining women to the priesthood need courage. We need power and authority to share our truth. We need miracles.
We need reinforcements.
That is why we are joining with our Roman Catholic, Muslim, Jewish and Evangelical sisters (as well as empathetic brothers) in a day of fasting on Monday, August 26. This date was chosen because it commemorates the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote in the United States of America. “United in mighty prayer and fasting” [3 Nephi 27:1] we will ask God to help us achieve more equitable distribution of religious authority within all of our religious traditions.
Equal in Faith organizers hope this event “will underscore their belief in the ability of religion to liberate rather than subjugate.” Ordain Women, a group advocating for the ordination of women to the LDS priesthood, is among the organizers.
Here are some ways to participate:
- Fast and/or pray on Monday, August 26. (Of course, anyone who cannot fast due to health or other reasons may still participate through prayer.)
- Visit the Equal in Faith Facebook page and RSVP. It’s like the good old missionary commitment pattern: Will you fast with us on August 26? Yes!
- If you live in the vicinity, close your fast by attending an interfaith prayer service from 6:30-7:30 PM at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Washington, DC. (I wish I could come! I live too far away.)
- Make a “fast offering.” Donate the cost of two skipped meals (or an even more generous amount) to an organization of your choice that supports gender equity in religion. (I’m going to donate to Exponent II, but there are many other worthy organizations as well.)
- Bear your testimony of the need for women’s ordination by submitting your profile to Ordain Women. Complete instructions for profile submission can be found here. (I submitted one already. You can see what I wrote here.)