This is a reminder that submissions for the fall issue of Exponent II are due August 3. The summer issue will come out next month and if you still don’t have a subscription, you should get one here right now. The fall issue will not have a theme so we welcome your personal essays, poetry, and art on any subject. Please don’t be intimidated if you are a new writer; we have staff members who can work one-on-one with you to prepare your essay for publication.
We also have recurring columns featuring writing on the following topics:
Sabbath Pastorals: exceptional Sacrament Meeting talks from women
Flannel Board: ideas you’ve used in Sunday School, Primary, Young Women’s, compassionate service, or any other area of the church
Women’s Theology: essays which employ close readings of scripture, doctrine and theology
Global Zion: reflections on Mormonism from outside the United States
If you have something you would like to submit, please send it to[email protected].
Join the conversation! We hope to hear from you soon.