My first published piece was a poem in the Friend magazine when I was 11 or so. My most recent piece was a personal essay in Exponent II. There are so many things I could tell you about my life in community with Mormon women, academia, and religion in general. At one point in my life, this intersection landed me on Twitter, where I saw a tweet in 2021 about a new, free writing workshop series hosted by Exponent II. The women I’ve met through the Exponent’s virtual writing workshops, especially the generative session, have quietly and enthusiastically stood by as I bared my soul to them and have given me hope in the goodness of friendship. I’m not sure where my path of community or writing will lead, but I’m so grateful that this community has been a part of that path.
Julie, a reader and contributor to Exponent II, is a market research programmer with a love of crafting and audiobooks.
Orem, Utah