Exponent II
Exponent II

A feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum

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“Creando mundos con una hoja de papel” — Entrevista con Susana I. Silva por Andrea Porras

Silva recibió el premio Exponent II en el 2021 Certain Women Art ShowTe formaste como pintora y ahora utilizas el corte de papel como técnica. ¿Por qué el cambio?En realidad, pase al papel de forma paulatina y sin proponérmelo, fue en 2010 aprox.. Iba semanalmente a un taller a 25 km de mi casa para volver a pintar y experimentar un poco con otras técnicas. Llegaba al taller en tren y en subterráneo, pintaba en grandes formatos y terminaba siendo muy incómodo llegar con la obra intacta en subtes atestados de gente (lo hice mientras fui estudiante haciendo malabarismos con […]

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Support writers and artists in our community! Subscriptions go toward contributors, community funds, and sustaining the ongoing efforts of Exponent II. Print subscriptions — our most popular and recommended option — continue a quarterly tradition since 1974 and include a free digital subscription.

A single print issue is typically 48 pages and includes 8-10 personal essays, poetry, and our features: Sabbath Pastorals, Women’s Theology, Artist Interviews, and more. We are extremely proud of the art — all by women and gender minorities along the Mormon spectrum — that works in conversation with the essays, and we use a high-quality, no-waste local printer that highlights the beauty of the artwork. The articles are carefully gathered and arranged to create a narrative from beginning to end. This results in a dialogue within every issue as articles speak to one another and spark new ideas and meanings. What does the magazine experience have to offer that’s worth the cost of a subscription? See for yourself by previewing the magazine here.

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