Exponent II
Exponent II

A feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum

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Vol. 40 No. 1 – Summer 2020

Articles in this issue

COVER ART “Mi Mamá” by Rachel Stallings Thomander

This piece was inspired by John 16 to 18. I wanted to paint what I was feeling in the midst of this tumultuous time. From feeling isolated, rejected, and hated to being seen, heard, and comforted by God. I know God is with me and wanted a reminder of that. For those who are lonely or discouraged, God is with you. His Spirit is with you. For those who are feeling pain because others have targeted their hate and prejudice at you because of where you are from, what you look like, or how you speak, know that God is with you and He has sent the Comforter.


LETTER FROM EDITORFresh Courage Take” by Emily Fisher Gray

SISTERS SPEAKBlack Liberation in the Voice of LDS Women

POETRY Bittersweet” by Alixa Brobbey

ESSAY My First Protest” by Gretel Tam

ESSAYMinistering Through Justserve” by Fara Sneddon

POETRY I Think I Might Take Up Writing Again” by Rebekah Orton

SABBATH PASTORALSConsecrating Our Thoughts to God” by Sarah Gusky Kemer

ESSAYLittle and Big” by Brita Brown Engh

POETRY The Book of Ruth” by Catie Nielson

ESSAY Mormon Women’s Suffrage History in 2020” by Andrea Radke–Moss

POETRY Woven Power” by Ashley Sturgill

POETRYApproaching Unity” by Andi Pitcher Davis

GENERATIONSPolitical Movements and Heroes” by Kay Gaisford, Emily Gilkey Palmer

BOOK REVIEWPoems of a Faith Journey” a review of Dayna Patterson’s If Mother Braids a Waterfall by Nancy Ross

WOMEN’S WORKAn Artist Activist” an Interview with Kalani Tonga



Editor-in-Chief Margaret Olsen Hemming
Managing Editors Pandora Brewer, Emily Fisher Gray
Art Editor Page Turner 
Layout Designer/ Editor Rosie Gochnour Serago 
Exponent Generations Editor Emily Updegraff
Sabbath Pastorals Editor Fara Sneddon 
Poetry Editor Abby Parcell 
Global Zion Editor Liz Charles
Fiction Editor Mette Harrison
Subscription Manager Kirsten Campbell 
Proofreaders Libby Boss, Susannah Bingham Buck, Cherie Pedersen, Karen Rosenbaum, Molly Wunderli
Additional Staff Sherrie Gavin, Carol Ann Litster Young, Natalie Prado, Sarah Hogan



President Barbara Christiansen
Treasurer Susan Christiansen
Secretary Kirsten Campbell
Members Katrina Vinck Baker, Pandora Brewer, Emily Fisher Gray, Margaret Olsen Hemming, Libby Potter Boss, Carrie Salisbury, Heather Sundahl



Thank you to Gifty Annan-Mensah, Karyn Dudley, Ginger Dall Egbert, Crystal Powell, Elizabeth Sanchez, Sarah Richards Samuelson, Kalani Tonga, Marlena Wilding and Kwani Winder for their artwork in this issue.


Exponent II (ISSN 1094-7760) is published quarterly by Exponent II. Exponent II has no official connection with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Articles published represent the opinions of authors only and not necessarily those of the editor or staff. 

Copyright © 2021 by Exponent II, Inc. All rights reserved.